We are beginning a new series here at the UMT Port Arthur blog entitled "Spotlight on Ministry". We are increasingly getting questions about how to get into the flow of service here at UMT. To that end, we want to offer this ongoing discussion and series of posts that highlights the ministries of the church and offers you opportunities to step into service.
This week we want to highlight the Good Book. The Good Book is the bookstore inside our church that offers a wide array of Bibles, reference books, fiction and non-fiction by Christian authors and a variety of other items.
Currently, the bookstore is open on Wednesday afternoons and Sunday mornings. We would love to be able to offer this resource to folks coming in for Saturday evening services and at other times. In order to do this, we need your help!
If you would be interested in learning the ropes and serving in this ministry, we invite you to contact Ray Cline at: rjcline@hotmail.com and he can give you more information.
Blessings on your journey!