Part of coming together and worshiping as a group is telling about our story, the story of God, and how God's story intersects with ours. This is done week in and week out through the worship songs and hymns that we sing, the sermons we hear, the sharing of our gifts, celebrating what God is doing in our lives and praying for one another.
During special seasons of the Christian calendar, we have the privilege of experiencing our stories through special musical services provided by different choirs and groups within the church. This Advent season presents two incredible opportunities for us to experience the Christmas story through music!
After weeks of practice, our children's choir will be presenting their musical "
Shepherds, Sheep, and a Savior" this Sunday at our 8:30 and 10:50 worship services.
On Sunday, December 13th, our Chancel Choir and orchestra will be presenting a Christmas Cantata at the 10:50 a.m. worship service. This cantata is the Christmas story from Prophecy to Fulfillment, with music and lyrics by Pepper Choplin, celebrated as if the story is brand new. It is his desire to offer us a fresh experience in singing of Christ’s birth. Choplin calls up folk styles to celebrate the story in Appalachian, Irish, Cajun and Early American flavors. There will be some new instruments in our orchestra, too.
Come and enjoy these special presentations of the Christmas story with your family and be sure and invite a friend!