Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths. – Psalm 25:4
I’ve been rereading a book by Ronald Greer, an Atlanta, GA, pastor, called If You Know Who You Are, You’ll Know What to Do. The book is about living with integrity, a word we don’t hear too much nowadays. My online dictionary defines it as “adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty,” but Rev. Greer takes it farther than that.“Integrity” means knowing you are a child of God and seeking to live by that standard. If you know that – truly, -- you will not be swayed by the fads and follies of today. You truly “know what to do” in the situations that occur in your life. – Janet Cline
April 1: This is the first of a series of daily devotions we will be emailing to Temple members and friends. If you wish to remain on the list of recipients, do nothing. If you do not wish to receive them, hit reply and tell me to take you off the list. I will welcome appropriate, short devotional writings from any Temple member or friend. I do, however, retain the right to edit and select.