Friday, July 3, 2009

A Connectional Church

The United Methodist Temple is a connectional church.

As a local and regional expression of the United Methodist Church, we reach out to numerous zip codes and communities with the grace of God, seeking to connect people in deeper and more meaningful relationships with God and with each other. This is reflected in our vision:
"A joyful people coming to Christ in a deeper, more intimate relationship,empowered and emboldened by the Spirit of God to restore hope, break down barriers, enrich lives, and reshape futures toward the fulfillment of God’s purposes."
and our purpose:
"We strive to be a loving family of Christ, extending grace to all through joyous, Christ-centered
Worship, and
A place where Christ's love FLOWS!

But that is not what makes us connectional in the United Methodist sense of the word. What makes us connectional is our covenantal relationship with other United Methodist Churches in varying size regions expressed as Districts, Annual Conferences, Jurisdictions, and so on.

At times, people want to know what is happening in the life of the larger structures in which we participate. Simply put, they want to know what is going on in our 'connection'. To that end, we have placed links on the right of this blog that will take you directly to the websites that are maintained for these other parts of our connection.

Are you interested in what the Bishop and cabinet are up to in our Annual Conference? Are you curious about the next district wide training event or gathering? Are you excited to find out about what new curricula or discipleship tools are being developed for use in the local church? Are you wanting to know about all the ways we are involved in mission and ministry around the world? If you said yes to any of these questions, then the information you are looking for is now only a click away!

We invite you to check out the links on the right and see what is happening in the rest of our connection. Check back often for updates and information regarding the Southeast District, the Texas Annual Conference, and the larger United Methodist Church. We are truly part of a meaningful connection that is having a tremendous impact in the world. We hope that you are blessed by your participation in the connection!

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