Friday, August 7, 2009

Things to Remember

We wanted to take an opportunity to remind you all of a few important things going on in the life of the church.

First, if you have not already signed up for portrait time with Life Touch, please do so in the narthex on Sunday or go online to our website to make your appointment. This is not Olan Mills...there will be no hard sales and when we are done, we will have a beautiful and up to date photo directory of our church family. Remember that the directory won't be complete without your participation! If you are unable to make an appointment in the time slots available, contact Carol Wommack to submit your own photo.

Second, we want to thank everyone that helped fill all of the bags of school supplies for United Methodist Women and UMCOR. If you missed the opportunity to be a part of that hands on missions activity, don't worry, Encounters is still collecting school supplies for children in the Port Arthur ISD. You can pick up a list of supplies online (or ask Russell for one) and you can drop your supplies off in the tubs provided outside of the sanctuary. Remember that we are partnering with the Rotary Club to provide 200 backpacks to children in need in our immediate area (they are providing the backpacks and we are including some basic supplies). We are asking that all donated supplies be at the church by Sunday, August 16th (and if you would prefer for us to do the shopping, we will gladly welcome your donations and do the shopping for you!).

Finally, remember that this is the last Sunday to order your new UMT shirts. Whether you choose mesh, T, or button up, we encourage you to support UMT (and the communications department) by purchasing and wearing one of our new shirts. With all of the designs, styles and colors available, there is a shirt for everyone! See Ruth in the narthex for more information or to submit your orders.

On a completely different note, this weekend Russell Hall will be preaching both services here at the Temple. This will give Russell and opportunity to meet more of the congregation and vice versa. Come join us this weekend as we take a look at the opening verses of chapter 8 in the Gospel of John and explore the realities of "The Gospel Truth"!

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