This week, Rhonda Lynn Broussard, a very dear and special member of our church family went home to be with the Lord. Visitation will take place at Levingston's Wednesday from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and services will be here at the UM Temple at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday.
As we remember Rhonda we are reminded of laughing and singing and genuine worship (some of my own fondest memories are of her worshiping with us at the VBS kickoff and the times that she was able to sing with the praise team). We are reminded of times of joy and the blessing that she was to our individual lives and the life of our church. As we lean into God in these moments of loss, I am reminded of these words penned by Charles Wesley:
If Death My Friend and Me Divide
If death my friend and me divide,
thou dost not, Lord, my sorrow chide,
or frown my tears to see;
restrained from passionate excess,
thou bidst me mourn in calm distress
for them that rest in thee.
I feel a strong immortal hope,
which bears my mournful spirit up
beneath its mountain load;
redeemed from death, and grief, and pain,
I soon shall find my friend again
within the arms of God.
Pass a few fleeting moments more
and death the blessing shall restore
which death has snatched away;
for me thou wilt the summons send,
and give me back my parted friend
in that eternal day.
Charles Wesley, 1762.
I pray that these words are as encouraging to you as they have been to me. They have been words of hope in many times of loss in my life.
Join me as we continue to pray for the family and for one another throughout this season:
Eternal God,
we Praise you for the great company of all those
who have finished their course in faith
and now rest from their labor.
We praise you for those dear to us
whom we name in our hearts before you.
Especially we praise you for Rhonda Lynn Broussard,
whom you have graciously received into your
To all of these, grant your peace.
Let perpetual light shine upon them;
and help us so to believe where we have not seen,
that your presence may lead us through our years,
and bring us at last with them
into the joy of your home
not made with hands but eternal in the heavens;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.