Saturday, July 4, 2009

Recovery at the Temple

We believe that love, mercy, grace, redemption, and reconciliation are at the heart of the gospel. With this in mind, we want to continue to be intentional about meeting people where they are at and providing resources and opportunities for them to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.

To that end we would like to introduce you to a new outreach at the United Methodist Temple.

On July 11th, we will launch our first Christian 12 step meeting called Came to Believe.

This meeting utilizes the 12 steps, principles, and promises that are a part of other 12 step organizations (that were originally birthed out of a Christian organization known as the Oxford Group), but recognizes that the God of our understanding is found in the triune God whose face is Jesus Christ.

This group is open to all regardless of what the issue is that we wrestle with. This is because although we have found that our behaviors of choice may manifest themselves in a variety of ways (codependence, alcoholism, drug addiction, food issues, sex, gambling, cutting, relationship issues, and so on), we have discovered that the underlying causes of these issues are quite similar. Additionally, we have discovered that there is but one solution - a growing relationship with Christ.

If you or someone you know is looking for a safe place to process and work through these various issues, we invite you to join us for Came to Believe!

Here's the 411:



A Christian 12 step meeting focused not on the differences of our dependencies, but rather on the healing and wholeness that is offered to us through Jesus Christ.


For anyone looking to strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ while journeying the 12 steps of recovery.


Saturday evenings at 7:00 p.m.
Beginning July 11, 2009


The United Methodist Temple
4101 Highway 73

Meeting will be held in the Life Lessons Room
(Just look for the signs near the East entrance of the church)

For more information (including directions to our facility) contact Russell at the church at (409) 962-5762.

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